
Thursday 7 May 2015

Research on similar films

Research on Similar Films

 I decided to research Submarine as the protagonist is of a similar age as our protagonist Chris. 

Submarine is a story about a teenage boy juggling to fix the problems happening around him including his parents relationship but also his own with Jordana. He seems to struggle to fit in and be "normal" which is similar to our character who instead suffers from mental health issues. Our character will be a college student and will wear clothes that typical teenagers wear which is similar to how Oliver Tate in the film is relatable because he is just a secondary school student who on the outside appears no different to anyone else. Whilst Submarine is a comedy-drama and our film will be a psychological thriller we will take the way that Submarine has made Oliver Tate relatable through his character background and code of dress and will apply it to our protagonist Chris so people will relate with him and be sympathetic to what he is going through in the film.

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