
Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation Q7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

For our preliminary task we had to film someone opening and walking through a doorway, sitting down and then have a conversation with someone else. This was so we could learn practice keeping to the 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and matches on action. We had to use Final Cut Express to edit it all together so it played out smoothly without any obvious editing or cuts. This was all useful as it allowed us to practice and see what we'd learned in action and got us to grips with how to use Final Cut Express. At first we struggled with getting the match on action to look smooth and continuous so we edited the first shot so it stopped just before the action began and then the second shot so it would start then and look smooth and uninterrupted.

   We used the skills we learned in the preliminary task and then applied them when making our 2 minute film. For example we made use of matches on action. This is evident when we see Chris passing through the metal bars in the fence. This added a sense of continuity in the film and made it look professional as there were no obvious mismatches which stopped the audience from being immersed in the film. 
   We used shot reverse shot in our film when we showed Chris talking to the bloodied man. It shows their facial expressions clearly and how nervous they both look which adds to their vulnerability and thus the tension as the audience is left wondering why.
   We deliberately broke continuity in our film as it was part of the narrative. We broke continuity as we wanted to use a flashback in order to explain the events the audience had just seen.

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