
Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation Q2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

 Our film challenges many stereotypes of particular social groups through the use of cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene and editing. 
 Throughout the 2 minute clip of our film we represent teenager and young adults as being vulnerable and also subvert gender stereotypes as they are all male and are being represented in this way . Chris is wearing clothes such as a shirt and tracksuit bottoms which is stereotypical of a teenager. This adds to the realism of the film which helps add tension. The man on the floor has fake blood on him which shows he is in danger and in need of help. Chris' dialogue throughout the clip consists of him asking for help and screaming which connotes his vulnerability. Also throughout the clip we used high angle shots to reinforce Chris' vulnerability. We also used a high angle shot on the bloodied up young adult to show he is vulnerable too. We also used paced editing as Chris is running away to add to the tension and reinforce Chris' vulnerability. The effect of everything above represents young people as being vulnerable. Also, often in the media, men are represented as being tough and brave whilst in our film our use of cinematography, sound, mis-en-scene and editing represent them as being weak and vulnerable. 
 Whilst there is no women at the beginning we planned on introducing female characters later on in the film through the role of care workers which is a stereotypically female job as women are stereotypically caring.

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