
Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation Q5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

 Our target audience is young people of either gender aged between 15 to 25 (For this reason and research on the bbfc website we gave our film a 15 age rating). They would likely lead active lifestyles due to their age and would enjoy cinema. Once we had decided on our audience we questioned people who matched up to our target audience on what they would expect and like to see in our film.
Due to our research and our target audience we decided to make our protagonist a young teenager themself in order to make them relatable and therefore more appealing to our audience. We used an actor who was a teenager themselves so our Chris character looked realistic which we reinforced through his code of dress. We had the character dress in trendy clothes that a teenager would wear these days.

We then showed our film once completed to a few people who matched our target audience. All of them said that the Chris character was relatable and looked like a modern day teenager. The majority said that the settings looked "scary" and found the film to be tense and suitable for the psychological thriller genre. One person however said that the characters dialogue was unrealistic and that transition from the woodland area to the worksite seemed too sudden and unrealistic. In the future we would research more into dialogue used in psychological thrillers so it sounds more natural and realistic rather than forced. We would also consider looking at using transitions in order to make the transition from each setting more smooth. 

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