
Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation - Q.6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Pre production - In our pre-production we needed to plan how our film would be shot, where it would be shot and most importantly what would go in our film. The first thing we created was a script which was created using celtex which incorporated explicit themes of the psychological horror genre, including a high amount of running and blood. The script helped us incorporate different ideas that had been proposed in our film ideas and made them plausible. The next thing we needed to create was the storyboards which visualised what our film would look like, and would help us stay on track with what we had planned in our script. For example when we weren't sure or had forgotten how a certain shot should look we referred back to the storyboards which gave us a visual representation of how we had wanted the film to look. Finally, we created our shot list, which featured every single shot we would put in our film. The shot list also merged with the script and listed the different equipment we would need for each shot. We followed the shot list in reverse order and with the shot list telling us how many shots were in each scene we could effectively manage our time for each day of filming.

Production - For our filming we used a Panasonic HD camcorder as opposed to smaller digital cameras as it had a sharp resolution and generally a high level of quality which filmed well during our lower lit scenes, in the abandoned street. Some of the shots we were able to make look professional with the use of this camera included: extreme close ups, extreme long shots, establishing shots and handheld point of view shots. We also used the camera as well as the tripod to create dolly shots, which were made possible due to there being a small section of ice on the abandoned street which we used to slide the tripod and camera across.

Post production - Once we had filmed all of our scenes we uploaded our footage onto an Apple Mac computer which was then edited with Final Cut Express. With this specific technology we were able to cut our footage down into the lengths we desired, as well as adding numerous effects such as dissolves and cuts. With the sound we had recorded for the phone call scene we were able to distort it which gave the effect of a real life conversation where the phone would crackle. Once we had finished editing we were able to upload the footage to youtube with the mov. format which we then were able to upload to our blog.

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