
Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation - Q.3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The distributor we chose for our film is the locally based Warp Films (Sheffield). After researching Warp Films we found out they are an independent producer and distributor who have produced critically acclaimed British films such as, Four Lions and Submarine. We believe that our film would be ideal for Warp Films seen as they haven't distributed any psychological horror films and therefore our film would help them break into a new genre. Our film's similarities with Warp's include a young protagonist of similar age to the one in 'Submarine'. We discovered that Warp Film's don't have high budget when compared with some of conglomerates such as Time Warner, however they have a niche market in the UK and distribute 'typically British Films', with their audience being teenagers and young adults which is the audience we are aiming our film at. Warp Films would also be an ideal candidate to distribute our film as they often premiere most of their films at independent film festivals like the Sundance Film Festival. If our film was to be exhibited at such an event we could be able to distribute our film to other countries like America and Australia. 

Warp films have produced the film Submarine which features the protagonist Oliver Tate and follows his life at home and school as he tries to get and maintain his relationship with Jordana. This film, despite not being of the horror genre, does feature a teenage protagonist similar to our main character, Chris. Many of Warps films have been typically British films that aren't Americanised which is exactly what we want our film to be. We also believe our target audience will be from the age of 15 above which is the audience Warp Films often distributes its films to. 

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