
Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation - Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Do you think you have reached your target audience?

At the beginning pre-production of our film we had scripted our first 2 minutes of the storyline an researched upon what people thought of it and there ideas around it. We did this through a questionnaire asking a number of teenagers as they were our target audience which was suitable to accumulate as much useful ideas and feedback.

What did you include when planning your production that you thought would appeal to your audience?

Our target audience was mainly aimed at young teenagers and young adults, we decided to make the main character a teenager with symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia so that the audience could feel involved and relate to the character. We thought that it would be suitable for our character to wear clothes that are classed as casual and trendy, we believed that this would allow the audience to feel aware and stereotype what they think of the character.

What has been successful in your production?

I believe that a key part to the success of our production was time management, we had organised our time effectively before hand for every day of shooting. It only took us 3 days to shoot our film, we always referred back to our plan if we had ran out of ideas which helped us stay on track and finish everything on time. We used a total of three different types of locations which were; Barnsley College, Dearne Valley Park and an abandoned industrial estate. These locations were chosen as we thought it would give us the best output and sense of feel for a psychological horror, this relates to our research where we had found out that the film is expected to be filmed near a lake, park, etc. The lake we chose was in Dearne Valley Park and was mostly busy during times we went out for shoot so we had to go during early hours when it's less busy. I also believe that another success in our production was filming and how the characters were shown, the main character in our film, 'Chris', is shown at the beginning climbing out of a lake and to make this realistic we had poured water all over him to output the best effect. Another would be that the injured, desperate man on the floor had blood on his t-shirt which was self-made for our filming. The characters were shown from different perspectives by the way we placed the camcorder, this created a unique effect and relates back to our research of psychological horror films containing shots taken from different angles and views.

What was less successful? How can it be improved?

A minor problem that we had throughout the filming process was that the camcorder's, these weren't efficient enough to remain on standby for long hours, this meant that sometimes we had to leave shooting early. Once we had collected a camcorder and all other relevant equipment  and found out that the camcorder had no charge which meant we had to go back to college and find a replacement. This can be lack of preparation and just the camera's being left without being put on charge.

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