
Thursday 16 April 2015

Evaluation - Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience that we have aimed to be for our film are both; male and female. This is because our genre isn't gender specific to be based on being a psychological horror, the film we researched into such as the shining is also based on the audience of both genders. Although the first two minutes of our film only show two males as leading characters, we have thought about getting a female to play a role for our full film so that it appeals to both genders.

After researching into similar films that were psychological horrors we found that most films contained disturbing scenes, violence, etc had age ratings of 15 and over. We thought that our film also contained disturbing scenes with slight violence so it would be best to keep the age rating at 15+ because if a younger audience were to watch certain scenes they may find it distressing.

Habits and Lifestyle:
We have decided that it would be best for our film to be screened in the cinema during late viewing times. This is because our audience are mostly best suitable for late screenings having the age rating of 15, our audience are most likely to be busy during the day such as work, school, and other things they have responsibility over. Taking this into consideration we thought that this would be most convenient and suitable for our target audience.

Pre-production Research:
Our pre-production research was to find out what it takes for our target audience to want to watch a psychological horror film. We did this through the use of a questionnaire where we had interviewed three teenagers, we found out that most teenagers watch films on television or computer which came to the discussion around screenings for our short film. Our interviewees also claimed to have understood the storyline clearly and mentioned expecting the film to be set near a lake or park, this was an advantage for us pre-production of the film.

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