
Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation - Q.5

How did you attract/address your audience? 

Do you think you have reached your target audience?

After writing the synopsis of the first two minutes of our film and printing it off we filmed a video questionnaire with numerous individuals asking them questions relating to genre and our film. Through the video questionnaire and our research on the bbfc website we decided that the correct classification for our film would be a 15.


What did you include when planning your production that you thought would appeal to your audience?

The main demographic we targeted were teenagers and young adults and therefore the characters we decided to feature in our film would be around 16/17 years of age which would mean our audience would be able to relate with them more as opposed to older characters. We also decided that our characters would wear quite trendy, casual clothes like joggers, polo shirts and trainers which our demographic would associate with.

What has been successful in your production?

Time management was crucial to the success of the production, and we successfully carried out our filming in our planned time period. We created a production plan for each day (three in total) which we stuck by and referred to if we didn't know what else to do. This helped us complete our tasks in time. The three locations we filmed at were: Barnsley college, a lake within Dearne Valley Park and an abandoned industrial estate just outside of Barnsley town centre. The lake near Dearne Valley Park was often fairly busy and a few dogs walkers walked past during our first day of filming. Therefore on the second day of filming at the lake we decided to go at an earlier time which meant that less people walked past and we subsequently had more time to film. Another success we had with the production was how realistic our characters were. In order to increase the sense of realism we used a water bottle which was poured over Chris' head in order to imply he had just come out of the lake, whereas in reality he hadn't. The Desperate Man also had 'blood' placed on his white t-shirt, which was made at home. This relates back to our research, which concluded blood is often used in psychological horror films.

What was less successful? How can it be improved? 

One thing that was less successful was the efficiency of our camera in terms of battery life. For example, sometimes we would take the camera out to our location and thirty minutes later the battery would run out. This would meant the previous filming we did would have to be scrapped as the next day the lighting was completely different and subsequently the shots done on day one when compared with day 2 looked entirely different. This subsequently wasted our time as we had got prepared for the day in advance, and we subsequently had to go back to college. If I were to do the filming again I would make sure the battery life was on 100% meaning we wouldn't have to re-do shots and waste our precious time.

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