
Thursday 15 January 2015

Props used in Thriller Films

Props used in Thriller Films

 A wide range of props can be used in thriller films to get different responses from audiences. They can range from small props such as knives to larger props such as chainsaws. Below I will explore props conventionally used in thriller films.

Masks are often used to hide the identity of the antagonist in a thriller film and leave the audience wondering who is behind the mask and questioning why they are hiding their identity. It also adds to the narrative as the protagonist is frightened because they don't know who they are running from or what their motive could be.

Different weapons can bring out different responses in audiences. Smaller weapons such as knives or screwdrivers bring out fear because it's hard to see so the audience are tense wondering if the protagonist has seen it and when it will be used. Larger weapons such as chainsaws are scary due to their size.

Traps, chains, locks

Usually traps, chains and locks are used to entrap the protagonist. This usually leads to danger as the protagonist is at the mercy of the antagonist or can't escape so are simply waiting to be found. This creates a feeling of claustrophobia as there is no way out and the audience is forced to wait and face all the dangers.

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