
Thursday 22 January 2015

Location photos

This is the lake near to the woods where Chris will emerge, dripping with water and wondering where he is. The lake has a lot of reeds and is fairly overgrown which will add to the sense of horror and reality.

This is where Chris will encounter the injured man, and isn't too far from the lake. The greenery of the grass will also imply a scene change and will help to give the movie a degree of change.

This is the abandoned street where Chris will eventually receive a signal and be able to call the police. This scene looks very desolate and will also add to the sense of Chris' vulnerability.

This is the last scene that will feature in the two minute film. This will make a welcome change to the previous outdoor scenes which were very barren and desolate. In this scene the beds of the care home will be shown but Chris will be the only one there which will add to the sense of mystery.

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