
Friday 30 January 2015

Production Plan Day 2

Monday's lesson:

In this lesson we will be filming the abandoned street scene, where Chris has emerged from the lake and has run post the injured man and is about to call the police after finally getting his signal. This scene will feature a range of high angled and low angled shots to create a sense of confusion, as well as a mixture of extreme long shots to extreme close ups which will keep the audience interested but also convey a sense isolation for Chris.

What we will need:

a mobile phone
casual clothes which are different to the ones in the home scene
cloudy weather
the scene to be set as the sun is going down

Costume: In this scene there will be only one character: Chris

Chris - Will be wearing casual clothing which will be wet after emerging from the lake. These clothes will be different to the ones he wears in the home scene as to convey a change in the date. Specifically Chris will wear joggers, t-shirt and trainers because these are the clothes most teenagers wear.

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