
Friday 14 November 2014

Props that are used

Mobile phone – this is a vital prop and is used when Chris is trying to ring 999 but has no signal.

Hoodie – this is worn by Chris and will be wet and muddy to show how much of a struggle Chris has been in when he escapes from the lake

Jeans or joggers – these are worn by Chris throughout his escape scene and will be muddy and wet just like the hoodie

Trainers – these are also worn by Chris in the escape scene and are important for him to be able to get to freedom. The camera will have a close up of Chris' trainers to show how fast he is running.

Make-up – make up will be used to make Chris look ill in his escape scene, and as if he has seen a ghost

Alarm clock – this will be used in Chris' waking up scene

Pillow – also used in Chris' waking up scene. Chris will be lying still face towards the camera with his head rested on the pillow

Duvet – used in Chris' waking up scene. The duvet will be over Chris (up to his neck) and he will have his hands firmly gripped upon the edge of the duvet as if he is having a nightmare

Bed – used in Chris' waking up scene. Chris is sleeping in the bed

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