
Thursday 4 December 2014

Character Profiles

Name: Chris Mullen
Age: 17
Occupation: College Student
Character Traits: Chris, on the surface, appears to be a very innocent and normal teenager, however deep down he is a very disturbed and mentally unstable which becomes increasingly evident as the film goes on. He resides at his grandma's old house who has since died. Chris used to live with his dad however he left his dads house after he was constantly bullied and abused. This previous behaviour and other factors cause Chris to become scared of water. His hair is medium length and skin fairly brown, however as the film goes on his hair becomes more messy and his skin with the use of makeup becomes paler. Chris will be liked by the audience and they will sympathise with him, however they will also be a little afraid of him with some of the things he does in the film. Chris' personality can be described as sarcastic and slightly radical and on the verge on being a maniac, and he is a mix of introvert and extrovert.

Name: Desperate Man
Age: 23
Occupation: Unemployed
Character Traits: The injured man on the floor is not necessarily a prominent character however he is important in the first two minutes as he frightens and scares the audience with his bloodied appearance which is discovered later in the film to be Chris' fault. The injured man is actual a bully from Chris' school, who Chris has acted out his revenge against. The audience therefore have mixed views on the injured man because they sympathise with Chris for being bullied, but they also sympathise with the injured man because he is close to death. The injured man has medium hair and will be covered in blood. He wears similar clothes to Chris.

Name: Operator
Age: 24
Occupation: Emergency Services Operator
Character Traits: Like the Desperate Man, the operator isn't a particularly prominent character. However the operator tries to help Chris in his situation, get him to calm down and finally find out where he is. The operator is unable to find out where Chris is, as the other end of the line mysteriously goes dead. With this character being a very minor one the audience will feel apathetic towards him.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment